Adult and Youth: Tuesdays/Wednesdays 8am - 8pm
11 Rosemount Ave, Suite 302, Ottawa
Play therapy room: Mondays 8am - 2pm, 69 Kempster Ave, Ottawa
READ: What will happen in my first therapy session?
It all begins with an idea about changing something or someone. Whatever it is, the way you understand your story can make all the difference in what therapy style you may need. In our first session, we will follow the traditional steps to gather information and build a therapeutic alliance. We will also learn more about you and how you understand the world. This is important because it sets the stage for creating your path within therapy and how you want to work.
To start you can think about these questions ahead of your first session:
What is the issue(s) that brought you to counselling and what’s happening with it currently?
When the issue started and how it has evolved?
Other factors related to and influencing the issue?
What is currently going well for you in your life and what things would look like for you without the current difficulties?
Background information about you to better understand you as a whole person.
What your goals are for counselling?
Email for a free 15 minute consultation or book your first appointment today.
Virtual appointments Monday to Fridays, day and evenings.
Looking to solve a parenting matter amicably and without lawyers? Have a tough conversation you need to have and want someone to facilitate the discussion and decision-making process? Need to create a parenting plan but tensions are high?
The mediator facilitates joint sessions where the parties work towards a preliminary agreement. It’s important to note that while a mediator is skilled in facilitating communication and negotiation, they cannot provide either party with legal advice.
A mediator can be beneficial in bridging the gap between clients by focusing on interests rather than fixed positions. If requested by the clients, a mediator can also provide an objective assessment of the strengths of their matter, which can shed light as to whether one side or another, or both, needs to adjust their expectations.
Mediation is not a place to argue the facts and “present your case” to the mediator, who will not make decisions on behalf of the parties. However, some clients still find it useful to explain their side of the story and what the case means to them. The mediator typically uses the information provided to assist with resolving the matter, and will not share information with the other side if directed not to do so.
As mediation is a private matter, it involves an agreement to confidentiality between the parties as well, and offers made at mediation are protected by settlement privilege. If the matter does not settle, the mediator cannot be called as a witness for a trial or hearing.
Once an agreement is reached, the mediator typically advises the parties to seek legal counsel before signing the agreement. Otherwise, the matter will proceed to the next stages beyond the mediator.
Schedule a 30-minute consultation to determine if mediation is appropriate for you.
Information and
Between sessions, some clients like to continue tracking their mental health goals or find out more information on a particular topic. Other clients like to expand on a topic and, individually, take the time they need to think through it in detail without time constraints. Whatever is the best way to work on your mental health is the right way!

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
Brené Brown