Laura Zychla
Quality and evidence-based psychotherapy and collaborative services
You likely know what you want to achieve but need help in obtaining your goals or understanding yourself with greater meaning. You're here because the desire for change is strong. It needs a place to sit, be listened to, and be understood.
Therapy supports your desire for change, but it also supports generations to come. As a parent and therapist, I know the importance of cultivating support through tough times, and that ultimately, your effort has a wide ripple effect.
I have 20 years of healthcare industry experience in different specialties that support a holistic approach. I have worn many healthcare hats that can support you - as a Registered Psychotherapist, group home worker, researcher, manager, hospital & cancer centre employee, patient, parent to children with mental health needs, and a national advocator. I have won national awards, presented at conferences, and published in peer-reviewed journals.
Coming to therapy and supporting clients is my passion and was a life long goal. It is why I have come back to working in mental health at the frontline. It is a passion that supports you 1:1, but also brings a wealth of knowledge from scientific evidence and practice, the ability to advocate for larger change to help others just like you, and recognize when new ways are needed to create a better mental health system and, most importantly, a better therapy session for you.
We can build a therapeutic relationship grounded in respect, compassion, honesty, and optimism. We can adapt therapy to fit your needs and work within innovative ways, if you prefer.

My Approach
Where there are life challenges, there is also strength that brings us through. Becoming a therapist taught me the power of family and community to positively shape our futures. Many people experience life’s hurdles and traumas, but many have not been shown ways to cope or thrive in difficult times. I am passionate about building up my community’s mental health through each client I see. Therapy changes the individual in session, but it also shapes generations to come.
Whether I am being silly with children to demonstrate emotions or immersed in exploring past traumas with adults, I come from a place of warm compassion, optimism, and collaboration. I work with individuals who struggle with life events and transitions, depression/anxiety and other mood disorders, interpersonal or relationship issues, all forms of trauma and abuse, and more.
During our initial sessions, we will delve into the issues at hand looking at your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. You can set the pace. We collaborate to create a plan that helps you in achieving your goals.
Outside of my practice, I am in “mama mode.” I have two wonderful boys who have endless energy, kind hearts, and who showcase reasons for the pride I feel for them every day. We live in the beautiful chaos that is this stage of life, along with two big dogs (who you may see during virtual therapy) and two cats who nap until the dogs go outside. We believe in embracing life to the fullest, no matter if times are good or more challenging.
Specialty Areas
Trauma & abuse
Anxiety & depression
Self-Esteem & identity
Life transitions
Illness / Medical Trauma
Burnout & workplace stress
Vicarious trauma
Divorce & relationship issues
Client Population
Children and youth (4 - 18)
Families and couples
All clients are welcome to my practice, no matter the background or issue at hand.
If I am not the right therapeutic fit for you, we will seek out services that meet your needs.
“Life as a therapist is a life of service in which we daily transcend our personal wishes and turn our gaze toward the needs and growth of the other. We take pleasure not only in the growth of our patient but also in the ripple effect—the salutary influence our patients have upon those whom they touch in life.”
Sample of Research to Advocate for A Better Health Care SYSTEM FOR YOU:
1. Corrente M, Given M, Zychla L. To Disclose or not to Disclose? A snapshot of Mental Health Leaves among MRTs. Presentation at: Canadian Association for Research in Work and Health Conference; September 15, 2022. https://carwh.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CARWH-2022-Conference-Final-Program-1.pdf
2. Corrente M, Zychla L, Given M, Mihailescu M. MRTs Speak Up: The Professional Identity Crisis Brought on by COVID-19. J Allied Health. 2022;51(4):95E-103E.
3. Corrente M, Zychla L, Given M, Mihailescu M. Supporting MRT mental health: Through COVID-19 and beyond. J Med Imaging Radiat Sci. 2022;0(0). doi:10.1016/j.jmir.2022.11.008
4. Grant M, Bramm G, Zychla L. Describing Mental Health Issues for Medical Laboratory Professionals in the Workplace Summary Report. Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Society; 2016. https://www.csmls.org/csmls/media/documents/resources/Describing-Mental-Health-Issues-for-MLPs-v02.pdf
5. Harnett N, Bak K, Lockhart E, et al. The Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist (CSRT): A case study exploring the effectiveness of a new advanced practice role in Canada. J Med Radiat Sci. 2018;65(2):86-96. doi:10.1002/jmrs.281
6. Harnett N, Bak K, Zychla L, Gutierrez E, Warde P. Defining advanced practice in radiation therapy: A feasibility assessment of a new healthcare provider role in Ontario, Canada. Radiogr Lond Engl 1995. 2019;25(3):241-249. doi:10.1016/j.radi.2019.02.007
7. Rozanec N, Smith S, Wells W, Moyo E, Zychla L, Harnett N. Patient satisfaction with the role of a Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist in palliative care. J Radiother Pract. 2017;16(3):226-231. doi:10.1017/S1460396917000267
8. VanSpronsen AD, Zychla L, Turley E, Villatoro V, Yuan Y, Ohinmaa A. Causes of Inappropriate Laboratory Test Ordering from the Perspective of Medical Laboratory Technical Professionals: Implications for Research and Education. Lab Med. 2023;54(1):e18-e23. doi:10.1093/labmed/lmac076
9. Zychla L. State of the profession: Mental health. Presented at: Sonography Canada’s 37th Annual Conference; May 24, 2019.
10. Zychla L, Chegwin T, Morrison K, Nielsen C. The Construction of National Mental Health Indicators for Health Professions. Special Webinar presented at: 2018.